Hello to all our friends and family,
We miss you all so much and wish we could give you all big hugs and see your smiles, but in the meantime, we are LOVING our time here with YWAM!!! LOVING IT! One of the best parts is watching our children come alive in Jesus, even Josiah as little as he is. He is praying for people for healing and walking around saying "hallelujuah," all the time. Aubrey is really hearing from the Lord and getting words for people and she doesn't even realize she is doing it. We picked up a couple hitchikers the other day and were able to talk to them about Jesus and pray for them, and they told us they didn't know Him. When they got out of the car Aubrey was so upset they didn't know Jesus she was nearly in tears. Her spirit was grieved. Alyssa is journaling things in her journal about Jesus and writing letters to Him that stun us when we read it. Things like "Jesus, set a fire in my soul." She also is seeing things in the spirit and getting in deep conversations with us about Jesus . Her teachers had a meeting with us to tell us "how wise in the Lord she is beyond her years." They said wisdom and understanding is "so strong" in her for a child her age. They are all no longer standing in the corner embarrassed to take part in worship but are totally dancing and singing in freedom now. As parents, of course our hearts are gushing over for our children. As for me and Aaron, we didn't fully know why the Lord was bringing us here until we got here. As the days go by it is becoming more and more clear to us. For the past 10 years Aaron and I have been involved in the church but have done little to no ministering of the "simple" gospel. Jesus's commission to us was to go into the world and preach the gospel. We had not been doing that. In a nutshell, we came here to wake up spiritually. To be reminded of why we are here for the time we are here, and to be trained on preaching the gospel to anyone....(no one is too hard!) Even before we got here, we sensed something big was on the horizon spiritually, and now being here we feel it more than ever before. God is raising up an army to preach the gospel because we fully believe there is a 3rd great awakening coming, where the harvest will be HUGE! Loren Cunnigham heard the Lord say "80 million saved in America within the next 7 years and out of that 200,000 missionaries sent out. " It's an exciting time to be a Christ follower, and we need to all be ready! This 200,000 will help usher in the 2nd coming of Jesus. We believe if we don't see His return our children will. That's some heavy stuff, and we don't want to be asleep during the most exciting time to be alive as a Christian. No way! We are grateful for every second of the Lord sending us here for this training. As some of you may have heard, we are staying in Kona for our outreach time. We are believing as we serve this community that the Lord is going to send revival here. Our team has been hearing words "restoring ancient wells of revival" "reconcilliation", "fill a stadium" etc. We aren't totally clear yet, but we belive that the Lord may be leading us to start something here like the "One night to Unite" in Wylie. So you can be praying for connections and clarity in that for our team. We do also know that we are responsible for hand delivering close to 8,000 bibles to every resident in Kona. We will also be working with the local highschool, which is supposedly the worst high school in the US, mentoring and tutoring kids, and also working with the Marshallese community here. The Marshallese are people that were ran off their island by the US government for nuclear bomb testing and relocated here to Hawaii. Many llive in 3rd world conditions with no running water and are often in conflict with the local Hawaiians, hence the trouble in the high school. There are many orphans that we we also be working with within that community. In studying revival history here, we have learned that most have deep roots of Christianity. This use to be home of the largest Christian church in the world where nearly 3/4 of the island gave their hearts to Jesus. This is also a sending hub to the nations so it would make sense for God to restore those ancient wells of revival!!!!! Are you seeing the vision? I hope so!
We are still in need of monthly or one-time donations. We are asking you to ask God this question if He would have you parnter with us for the remainder of our time here. And please really take the time and be in prayer for our team. It consists of 7 families (including the Shocklees and Cottles) 15 adults and 24 children.
All tax deductible donations for our family can be mailed to: New Hope Christian Church Po Box 118 Wylie, Tx. 75098. Please do not write our names in the memo part of your check but instead attach a note to it that says "Reeves family YWAM donation"
Aaron, Stacy, Alyssa, Aubrey, And Josiah Reeves
7 Day High Protein Diet Meal Plan
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