Friday, December 30, 2011


This morning we got the email that we have been waiting on for forever. We got I600 approval on our son's RFE that was sent to Rome! We can finally go to bring him home! We actually booked our tickets in faith once our attorney mailed off our documents to be adjudicated. We booked our tickets for today and sweated it out the whole week! Last night we were really sweating it, but stayed up late getting packed anyway. I woke up a couple times in the night instantly with that nervous sick butterfly feeling in my stomach. I think when I opened that email, my whole body was shaking and I could hear and feel my heart beating out of my chest. It was so loud! Honestly, this has been beyond hard, and we are so thankful it is finally over. Right now we are feeling about 30 elephants were just lifted off our backs. We are relieved and exhausted from the battle. I feel like I could nap for 3 days! Defintely feeling like we have been in battle! But today Satan lost that battle. Our son is an orphan no more!
We leave today and come home with him on Saturady Ethiopian Christmas day Jan 7! We have left our tree up so we will be celebrating our new year and Ethiopian Christmas with our son home! All Glory Be to God who trusted us with this precious boy! We are so thankful He saw us through this difficult journey.
Be prayer for us. Aaron is still not 100% feeling better, so please pray healing over him, pray for safe travels, and no complications of any kind.
Also, please pray for our little guy because this is his 4th move in his short little 15-month life. Be patient with us when we come home and hole up in our house for a while. The bonding process with JoMo is a big deal because we will all be adjusting to a new life together, and Josiah Moti will be learning what a family is and what the roll of a mom and dad is. For a while Aaron and I will need to be the only ones to hold him and tend to him until he learns our roles as his parents. This is because he is use to multiple caretakers taking care of him on a daily basis and has never been in a family setting before. Please pray for him, because even though we are rejoicing, this transition will be very difficult and scary for him. Please be praying God's comfort and peace over him and that he feels that comfort and peace around Aaron and me and the girls. Please pray for our girls and all of our wonderful family memebers who are pitching in to take care of them. Pray our girls are a blessing to them. Just this morning I asked Alyssa if she was going to miss us and she said, " no, because I am excited for you to bring Josiah home." That was the best thing I could've heard her say! i told Aubrey the news and her comment under her grin was "good!" The girls are so excited to finally meet their brother. Please be praying that God blesses their transition time with him as well.
Thank you to all of you who prayed with us, cried with us, supported us, and listened to us when we were at ar worst. We love you all and are so grateful we had you to walk this road with us!

My next picture I post will be of these 3 cuties all together in person!


  1. Hallelujah!!! I have been checking your blog EVERY DAY to hopefully see these words. Congratulations and we are praying for safe travel. God bless!!

  2. Hi Stacy,

    I found your blog through Lara's blog "The Farmer's Wife Tells All". I've been following for a while, and read your journey while you were at court.

    Congratulations on that special email. I know how hard the wait can be. I have a 5 yr. old sister from Ethiopia and we brought her home in July of 2010. Adoption is a hard, blessed, and special process.

    Praying for you and your whole family!


    Our family blog:

    My personal blog:

  3. Crying big happy prayers for your family!

  4. Praise God!! I am so happy to read this post and to know that TODAY you are coming home forever with your son! What a blessing!! Happy NEW Year!!
