Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

Today on the Eve of Christmas I have been thinking about Mary and Joseph and all they had to endure while Mary was pregnant with Jesus. I don't know if I could've done it. I don't know if Mary and Joseph would've said yes had they known ahead of time exactly what they were going to have to endure walking through it. Think of the disapproving looks they must have received everywhere they went, people judging them and rejecting them because of the situation of Mary being pregnant out of wedlock. I wonder as they were struggling to just get through it and survive, if the thought crossed their minds.."Lord, where are you? Why have you asked us to do this again?" I wonder if they allowed doubt and fear to creep in.
I am so thankful for Mary Joseph and their willingness to say YES to something so scary. I am sure they had uncertainty but said yes anyway. I am so thankful they modeled trust and obedience.
Their testimony has ministered to me so much today! As I sat listening to the song I posted below, I was just overcome with thankfulness for this story. I am so thankful Mary and Joseph said yes and suffered well through their journey in helping to bring our Savior to earth! I am so thankful that today is the day we celebrate our Redeemer.
Thank you Lord for the powerful testimony of your birth that reminds me that some things are worth suffering for. There are bigger purposes ahead. Forgive me in my personal walk where I have been focused on the pain and not the gift. You ARE good all the time, and I love when you speak to my heart.

As you gather with your family and friends this Christmas morning and watch your kids opening their gifts in excitement and wonderment, remember why we truly celebrate today and remember to give Him Glory and thanks!

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