Friday, July 22, 2011

The first day of the rest of our lives!

Today is the day we have been dreaming of from the time we started this long process. As I sit here blogging in the early morning hours, my kids are still sleeping, and Aaron is at the Farmer's market in Dallas doing some last minute work before take-off. He left the house at 2:30 this morning so he should sleep like a champ on the plane! My sweet Alyssa got up twice last night. First to go potty, then the second time was at 5:30 am and she came over to my bedside and said "mommy, I'm sorry I got up again." Bless her heart she couldn't sleep. I let her crawl into bed with me and she held my hand and asked if today was the day me and daddy were leaving. I think she is a little apprehensive of being away from us for so long, but I am praying that the girls have so much fun while we are gone that they won't have time to miss us. Last night I told them we would bring them back a surprise. Aubrey said she wanted a babydoll. When I asked Alyssa what she wanted she said, "I want you to bring my baby brother home." Oh, my heart! I told her not this first trip, but the second one we will be doing that!!!!
I can't believe this day is here!!!! It just seems so surreal! We have a very large amount of luggage packed full of donations of formula, clothes, shoes, diapers, creams, infant vitamins, etc... I really just want to say a big heart-felt thank you again to all of you who prayed for us, gave financially, spoke words of encouragement when needed, and have been cheering us on this whole time. And a special thank you to friends and family who are taking care of our kids, house, and farm while we are gone! We are so grateful beyond words to you for contributing towards this big adventure the Lord has us on!
So all our bags are packed and waiting as we also wait!!!! We are leaving today to meet the precious little guy that we have been praying for and dreaming about for the last year and a half! We get to see the sweet face that we have watched grow over the past 6 months in pictures. We get to visit the country and experience first-hand this beautiful culture our son is from that we have fallen in love with, and will forever be united with! It is an indescribale feeling!!!! Please be praying as we leave our girls for the first time, and also as we are meeting our son for the first time!
This is the first day of the rest of our lives! We can't wait to get started!!!!

A friend of mine texted me this verse last night! It was just what I needed to hear...."Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27. Just want everyone to know that we are feeling the peace this morning from all the prayers! Thank you!


  1. Have a great trip! It's our joy to rejoice with another YWAM family!

  2. Yay!!! Will be praying continued peace for you guys. And hope to see you in the airport:)!

  3. So happy for you! Will keep you in our prayers. Love the scripture that was sent to appropriate.

  4. Stacy and Aaron, although we've never met in person I feel like I know you through sharing our journeys. ;) I hope you have a fantastic and safe trip and that time stands still when you're with your son. Can't wait to read all about your trip and take notes for when we go!! Good luck!

  5. We're praying for you all. Can't wait to hear a report of how your time is going! Woohooo! The time has come.
