Monday, July 18, 2011

Don't ignore the broken heart!

There are so many things in this world that are just heartbreaking. It's heartbreaking to see children without families trying to survive on their own. To try and even imagine a child growing up without the love and guidance of a mom or dad is just unthinkable. To think about the Aids orphans in South Africa that ONLY get to eat twice a week when the feeding ministry program stops by their village just makes me sick to my stomach. Or what about the 8-year-old girl who was kidnapped and sold into sex slavery. It's too much for this heart to take!
It would be so much easier to ignore this kind of news or statistics, to just go about our busy, comfortable lives, to save us from feeling sad that day.
The truth is, our hearts are broken for a reason. Our hearts break because our Father's heart breaks. The fact of the matter is...WE REALLY ARE HIS HANDS AND FEET! He allows us to feel a tiny smidge of the pain and hurt He feels so that we will be moved to do something about it!
So the next time you hear something that just really breaks your heart, don't ignore it and go about your own business! Embrace that broken heart and let the Lord use you to be the change in at least one person's life!
I sure am glad we embraced our broken heart over the global orphan crisis. If we hadn't listened to God's heart...if we had chosen to put it out of our minds....we wouldn't be blessed with this enormous gift of getting to board a plane to meet OUR SON in just 4 days! What an incredible and awesome gift! We will be praying for the Lord to show us His heart and to break ours even more while we are there!!!!! Broken hearts move people! So let me encourage you, don't ignore it, embrace it, and be moved to action!!!!

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