Saturday, January 15, 2011

We won't be on a waitlist!

Come to find out our agency doesn't have a waitlist. I guess getting caught up in reading blogs of everyone else's journey, I just assumed ours would be the same. Once you are approved to be able to view their waiting children's list of paper ready children, you can log on and see if God is speaking to you about a particular child/children. If He is, you can request a referral for that child and come to an agreement with the agency about the referral. If not, you wait until more children are added, and God does highlight your child for you. I love this! I was told that from day one of them bringing a child into their care, the children are prayed over with them knowing that God already has a forever family in mind for that child. Knowing that they have been praying for our child and us, has made such a big difference on the whole journey we have been on. He has led us straight to where we needed to be, and has spoken to us on so many personal levels. His confirmation has been mind blowing at times. When we first contacted Ethiopia YWAM, they urged us before we made any decisions to sign with them or not, to take some time to pray and ask if this is the right place for us. At the very first of our journey we rushed into the process with a different agency out of us just being anxious to get started, and we lost some money that we had already put into it. We had that feeling of maybe this isn't quite where we should be. So we prayed about it and felt God say, 'nope, this isn't the agency that will lead you to your son,' and He led us to YWAM. This time with YWAM's advice to pray, we took our time...about a month... and made for certain that it was the place for us and we went for it. Since then, God has spoken so clearly letting us in on clues about our son. Even though we have felt a little frazzled over the paperwork and what we were doing, God has continued to stun us, and show us that He's got this! I guess my point in all of this is just to say that I am so thankful God speaks to us! When we have the ears to listen and take the time to seek Him, He speaks! We are truly in awe of Him, and are so grateful!


  1. I LOVE this about YWAM too! When we were paper-ready and had the money, our little one was sitting there waiting for us, and now we are waiting on a court date. It is SO exciting!!

  2. Wow Stacy! This is pretty neat. Love this post! And so excited for you guys!!

  3. I can't wait to hear which little one God puts on your heart. There is one special one that wasn't meant to be ours, but God and I wrestled for quite some time. I keep hoping I get to see (through blogs or otherwise) who that little one goes home to. Maybe it's you! :)

  4. It wasn't until we traveled for court and met several families from other agencies that I realized just how blessed we are to be working with YWAM! Across the board they are hands-down THE BEST!
