Wednesday, January 12, 2011


In less than 1 week after we got our fingerprints taken with USCIS, today we got our 171-H in the mail!!! I opened it and looked at it and didn't even know what it was until Aaron told me it was our approval. I argued with him and said..."no, it can't be." I thought it was a receipt or something from our appointment. They had told us that it would take 4 weeks to process, so I just wasn't expecting them this quick at all, therefore, kind of didn't believe it.
After me reading over it MANY times and Aaron pointing to the bottom where it says
"171-H form," and where it says "APPROVED" in all caps on the front, I finally believed it (lol!) I am so thankful that God knows what He is doing, and that He is in control! So we should be on the waitlist shortly. Stay tuned and I will let you know, when we hear anything else!


  1. Yay! Congrats!! Now on to the next round of waiting! LoL :) Seriously though, I am so happy for you guys!

  2. YESSSSSSS!!! Congratulations! I can't wait to read your starting number. Your journey has certainly turned to a new chapter. YEA!

  3. Congratulations - that is such an exciting moment! :)

  4. I just got my I171H and had the same reaction! I literally googled, "What does an I171H look like" before a bloggy friend told me I could find it in the fine print in the bottom left hand corner, ha!
