Monday, May 21, 2012

My 7 Year Old!

Yesterday was my oldest child's 7th birthday! We had a blast of a day celebrating my sweet girl. We decided to have family get-together at Hurricaine Harbor. We started the day out with donuts, instead of cake. Alyssa isn't a big fan of cake :)
We ate pizza at lunch and swam alllllll daaaayyyyy looooonnng.
To say everyone had a blast was an understatment! I am so proud of my seven year-old. This past year she lost 4 teeth. She still loves to dance and sing. It's probably her favorite thing to do. Her number one gift request was an ipod. So we got her a shuffle and are praying she doesn't lose it. So far, she has loved it and is constantly on it listening, and singing along and talking too loud because she doesn't realize how loud she! Alyssa is such a sweetheart! She has a gentle and kind spirit about her. She is quick to forgive, mercy gifted, and has such compassion for others. Her new favorite colors are lime green and more pink for her! She is adventurous and loves to be outside. She can be a bit timid at first, but once she gets through that first little push, she can't get enough. Whether that is riding a wave on a boogie board, riding a roller coaster, kayaking with her dad, or conquering the black hole at Hurricain Harbor. She loves it! She's just a fun girl to be around! She loves dogs. My dog, Lucy has now turned into Alyssa's dog, and when we are at the market, if I turn my head for a second she is darting over to the SPCA booth to see what dog she can hold that day, and wish to bring home with us. She is a bit soft a spoken (at first) but she is very relational one on one. She's like her daddy in that way. She's a pie kinda girl, not a cake kinda girl and she prefers milk over juice. She is a skilled roller skater, and loves to run and ride her bike. Alyssa hears from God far more than I ever remember hearing when I was her age, and her knowledge of Him surprises me at times. She has spoken into my life on more than one occasion. I love this precious precious girl God has gifted me with. She is worth more to me than all the diamonds in the world! I love you my Alyssa Joy! You bless my life and others more than you will ever know!

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