Monday, September 19, 2011

The Celebration

I forgot to mention on my first post that Sept 13th is also my father-in-law's birthday as well! So, our little Jo Mo and his Papa will share a birthday! This birthday just happened to be Papa's 50th, so what better way to celebrate Papa's
50th and Josiah's 1st birthdays than at an Ethiopian restaurant!

We had a great time with just me and Aaron and the girls and Aaron's youngest sister, Andrea and their dad..aka "Papa"! We decided to venture out and try a different restaurant than where we usually go and we ended up at Ibex in Dallas. It was great! The food was great and the atmostphere was really great! It reminded me so much of Ethiopia and made me miss it! This place is particularly nice because on the weekends they have an Ethiopian DJ come and they clear part of the floor for dancing! Since we went on a Tuesday night, we didn't get to enjoy the festivities, but will for sure have to go back for this! Nevertheless, we enjoyed our night, and I think Papa enjoyed trying something new and loved the food!

This was our food before we dug into it!

And this was the aftermath! Yes..I think we all enjoyed it!

Papa and Aubrey being silly with their blue icing on their cake!
~Fun times with the Reeves Family~

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