Friday, August 12, 2011

Introducing our son!

Remember when I asked you all to pray for a miracle with our paperwork? Well, God totally shocked and wowed us this morning and answered that prayer! He is so AMAZING like that! I met with a friend yesterday and she reminded me how the Lord LOVES to surprise us! This morning when Kathy with CHI called us to tell us the news, it was the biggest, most wonderful surprise! Words cannot describe the feeling! She said "It's official, he's your son!" I mean it folks, this was such an answer to prayer. Even the people with CHI and YWAM were surprised by God with this one!!!! It was so unexpected! HE IS ABLE to move mountains!!! He loves for us to lean on Him, cry out to Him for help, and Praise Him! He loves to give us the desires of our hearts! I love it that He did it this way! I love that He shows himself to others this way! There is just no denying Him all the Glory and credit with this!!!!! It couldn't have been done any other way! He is El Shaddai. He can move mountains, and He can process paperwork, even when all odds and the rainy season is working against your favor! His favor surpasses any and all else!
This road has been so long and hard, but we wouldn't trade any of it, because we and OUR GIRLS have gotten to know the character of our Father so much more! Our girls are so excited! I sat them down and told them "congratulations, you have a baby brother." and Alyssa says to me.." congratulations to you too mom, you have a son!" They are going to be the best big sisters to this little guy and already love him to pieces! We cannot wait to introduce them to each other!

So without further our son...Josiah Moti Reeves...AKA...Jo Mo :)


  1. Yay!! I am so happy for you guys. God is indeed good.

  2. Wow Stace, what an awesome testimony it really brought tears to my eyes. He is such a beauty and he is chubby, lol! Told you not to worry for God told you that morning you woke up, all you had to do is believe. Such an awesome testimony!


  3. Congratulations!! My husband and I were in Adama at the end of June to meet our daughter and we met your sweet son at the same time. He was one of our favorites!! He was so snuggly and has such an adorable glad to see who his family is!

  4. Hi, please email me. I think I may have a few photos of your little guy from my trip in January. And a neat little story of how God provided for him (if its the same little one:)
    my email is: kshadrick "at sign" hotmail (dot) com

  5. I have a few I would love to send you too! Email me: ashleyhemphill(at)gmail(dot)com
