Monday, August 22, 2011

1st grade

My sweet Alyssa is starting the 1st grade today. The other night we had meet-the-teacher,and we met her teacher, Mrs. Edwards

We had fun exploring her classroom. She was excited to have a big locker in the hallway, a pet turtle as their class mascot, and her class is upstairs this year!

Computer lab!

Such a cutie, all ready to go!

Aubrey had to have her picture taken with her new Dora lunch box too!

Dropping her off walking in all by her big-girl self :)

She was greeted at the door by her principle Ms. Chapman. She ran over, gave Alyssa a big hug and kiss on the cheek, and said, "Oh Alyssa, I am so glad to see you!" Alyssa was smiling from ear to ear, ready to conquer her first day!
We dropped her off by 8:00 and by 10:00 Aubrey was saying, "Mom, go get Alyssa. I want you to go get her."
I figured she would have a hard time with big sis being gone this year! They played really well together all summer. She and I both are going to miss our little Alyssa home with us! We love her so much, and are so proud of our first grader!

1 comment:

  1. Ah, she looks so cute! I can't believe our girls are first graders!
