Saturday, July 2, 2011

We got a court date! CELEBRATE!

Yes that is right....We really did get a court date! I didn't think this day would ever, ever come! This is really real; it's really happening!!!! We prayed and prayed that we would make it to court before the rainy season hit, and God, once again answered our prayers. This whole experience of Him answering prayers and really just unfolding every little detail for us has been humbling. I can't say enough that we are just in awe of our ever-so-powerful, loving, and personal God we get to serve!!!!!
One thing I did not know was how short our stay would be. We will get to meet our son, and spend 2 days with him at his orphanage, then we will appear in court and will leave for home that same day. All-in-all it's about a 4-day trip with an added 2 days extra for the travel. This trip will not be one of site-seeing and shopping. It will be all business. On our second trip we will have more time for site-seeing and such.
I cannot believe we are going to meet our little guy! We have been dreaming about him for a year and-a-half, and have been gazing at him and watching him grow in pictures for about 5 months, so it almost seems surreal. It will be so tough to leave him, but we know the sooner we go the sooner we will be able to return to bring him home!!!!!!!! Please be in prayer for us as we scramble to get this all put together before we go! Pray for this stay-at-home momma's heart that has to leave her 2 daughters behind as well! This is the part that is hard for me. I know, I know...they will be fine, and so will we, but those words don't seem to help me. It is for sure all worth it though! Please keep us in your prayers as God puts us on your minds to do so!


  1. WOOOHOOO! I can't wait to see pictures! :) Do you know where you will be staying?

  2. So happy for you!! Praying for safe travels and peaceful hearts. :)

  3. Yay!! So happy to read your court date is set - praying you through the travel process, court, and meeting your sweet son!

  4. Oh my, I can really relate to you...last Friday we got our call that our court date will be on 7/28! We will meet our two girls for the first time. I'm excited, but I am leaving four children at home...I've never been away from them for so many days. Let's pray for each other. :)
