Thursday, June 9, 2011


This week has been one full of news! First off this Monday we received new pics and an update on our little guy. We hadn't seen any new pics of him since he was 5 months old. He is now almost 9 months old, so he looks drastically different! He is doing amazingly well! I am so thankful he is in a place where he is well taken care of, loved and thriving! He is a happy little guy, smiles all the time, and is such a handsome little CHUNK! I love chunky babies!!!!! He has the sweetest round face and most kissable chubby cheeks! PRECIOUS! Can't wait to squeeze him!
Another bit of news we got was 2 days ago, we received an email that we were given a grant for our travel costs!!!!!! This was such a major load off for us! We are truly in awe of how God provided every cent for this adoption. Some of it we had to work for, and some of it He provided unexpectedly. One of our biggest concerns when we started this adoption was how we were going to come up with the money. We didn't want to get in debt, and we struggled if it was something we were up to. It was a financial risk for us. Thankfully the Lord wanted this adoption for us even more than we did, so He was very persistent in encouraging us to move forward. All throughout this journey we kept hearing Him whisper "trust me;" "I am your provider;" I will make a way;" "listen to me, not man." Our trust in the Lord in this was all we had to lean on. He was our constant source of encouragement and strength, and He kept His word. He made a way and provided and led us to our son debt-free! Looking back the whole story is stunning! It's an epic love story really and a testimony of how personal and powerful God is, and a perfect picture of how He is relentlessly fighting for His children. If you are hearing that little whisper of adoption in your ear, don't let money or fear turn you away. All God is waiting on is for someone to say yes to His calling. It is for sure a calling, definitely not something you want to do on a whim. It was so clear to us that this was what we were suppose to do, that there was really no option not to do it. Pray about it, and if you get a clear answer, TRUST HIM, and move forward. It won't be easy, but I promise God knows what He's doing, even when you feel like you don't.
Another bit of news came this morning. I got an email that our case was filed in court yesterday (AHHHHH!!!) That is me screaming with excitement and admittedly a little nervousness mixed in! The nervous part for me is leaving my girls behind and being on a plane for a day's worth of travel (oy). I haven't been on a plane for more than 4 hours before, so this is a littly scary to me. But again, he's worth it! We will know our travel date in about 3-4 more weeks. We had been praying that we would get a court date before the end of July. August and September is their rainy season, so the courts totally shut down for these months. This means if we don't get a date before the end of July, we will have to wait til October. Please join us in prayer for this. We would really LOVE to have him home before he
turns 1.
So that is it for all the news we had this week. I thought it was definitely share-worthy!


  1. Praise God! He is so faithful and I am so happy for you all! Praying the court date comes sooner than expected!

  2. Congrats on the court date progress!!!!!! So huge!!!!! And on the grant!!! Lots to celebrate:).

  3. What an awesome story of how God speaks, and how He makes a way by His Spirit! The Baumans are celebrating with you today...I'll be at the airport...if I am on Texas soil!

  4. so! exciting!

    i'll be praying for a court date before that dreaded rainy season... we were in the exact same boat last year but had a hang-up on getting submitted to court because of a new requirement. hopefully you'll make it in, but either way God will bring this sweet boy home at just the right time. :)

  5. Love this post. So much to be thankful for!

  6. Just found your blog... looking forward to following the rest of your story. We brought home our 2 little ones last summer through YWAM.
