Tuesday, May 17, 2011


YES! We got our referral this afternoon!!!! We are JUMPING FOR JOY!!!We got the much waited and anticipated (and almost felt like it would never happen) phone call from Kathy at CHI! We couldn't be more excited! Words cannot accurately describe how grateful to God and overjoyed we are! God called and we said yes, and He literally guided our every step of this journey. Yes, some of the times weren't easy, but I wouldn't trade "the wait" for anything. For it is in "the wait" that we have been stretched in our faith, and drawn closer to the Father. Aaron and I have even become closer to each other, unified more than we have ever been. We have learned there is a season of waiting and sitting at the Father's feet, and trusting Him for literally EVERYTHING! I think the key lesson in "the wait" is TRUST! Even when things don't seem right or make sense, or even if others are against you, or fear or discouragement tries to creep in, TRUST HIM! So those of you who are still in the middle of "the wait," take heart, and keep trusting. God knows exactly what He is doing! Your time will come too, and we will be celebrating along-side you :)
As for us now, we begin our new "wait." We now wait on our court date once our papers are submitted. :)
Thank you to every single person who has been praying for us and our son! We are more than grateful for your prayers!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! I am so excited for you! We are with CHI also and I didn't know the referral update we got was for you. ;)Our dossier is headed to Washington this week and then we will begin our new "wait". :) God is so good!! YEAH!

  2. Such great news!!! More details??? :)

  3. hallelujah!! that is awesome. congrats you guys!!

  4. YAY!! Celebrating with you =)

    Can't wait to hear more about your little one!

  5. I decided to check in with your blog today - while I'm wearing your shirt!!! =) Congratulations on your Referral and great news about your son. Praying for a fantastic "next chapter" in your journey. =)
