Sunday, February 6, 2011

Happy 3rd Aubrey Faith!

Aubrey Faith was born 3 years ago today weighing in at 9 lbs and 7 oz. I had her all natural in a birthing tub. It was altogether, the hardest, most painful, and most wonderful thing I have ever done. When she came up out of the water, her eyes were as wide and bright as they could be. This is our first picture together...I was obviously a little worn out :)

We were so happy to be able to bring her home the same day we had her. Here is our first family photo the day Aubrey was born :)

And this is our little sweetheart at 3 years old. Where does the time go? Aubrey is truly full of so much joy and is such a fun little person to be around. She is outgoing and happy most of the time. She is an encourager and a cuddler. Right now she loves Dora, baby dolls, playing dressup, coloring on anything and everything, orange juice and cheetos. She has a little grin that makes my heart melt everytime she smiles at me. She is such a sweet and protective little sister and she CANNOT WAIT to give her little brother kisses. Aubrey Faith we love you so much and are blessed every single day by you and your sweet smiles and vibrant personailty. You are one-of-a-kind. Happy Birthday my baby!


  1. Happy Birthday, Aubrey! Go you for natural birthing!!!

  2. Hey Stacy! Could you email me at or leave your email on our blog? Got some info yesterday that I thought you might want to know also. Thanks! Tara
