Tuesday, December 28, 2010

So much to be thankful for!

We had such a fun and wonderful Christmas this year! My girls being 5 and almost 3 were so much fun to watch. They were so grateful and so sweet! Notice the blue stocking on the far right. It's an extra one we already had monogrammed and hung in anticipation of having our little guy home with us next year! Santa even left him a few things in it:) We spent Christmas Eve and all day Christmas visiting family in 3 different places. We are so blessed with a large family and lots and lots of little ones all around the same age. SO MUCH FUN!
Another cool thing that happened to us is that me and the girls were at the mall and Habitat for Humanity was there selling fundraiser raffle tickets for a playhouse. Me and Alyssa decided we would try our luck at winning and make a donation to support such an awesome organization. As we were getting ready to leave Alyssa says..."mom, I really want that playhouse." I told her let's pray that we will win, and just said the simple prayer..."Lord, it sure would be fun if we would win this. Amen" And we went on our merry way. Well, I was sitting home one night and went to check my phone and had a message from a lady saying..."I am calling on behalf of Habitat for Humnaity to let you know you won the little blue playhouse!" Oh my goodness...it was so exciting! I felt like God had given us a little Christmas present. We got it delivered to our house 2 days before Christmas and surprised our girls with it. When they saw it, Alyssa just froze her eyes big and smiled at me and asked..."did we win?" I was jumping up and down saying "yes, yes, we won!" And Aubrey ran to it right away yelling " my house, my house." It was such a nice blessing! I was thanking God to myself and I felt like He whispered to me...'Stace, if I can answer your prayers and provide for your girls a playhouse, I will surely answer your prayers and provide for this adoption and bring your son home.' So simple and so sweet! It was a great Christmas indeed!

(We hung blinking lights on it after we finally got it in the backyard :)


  1. That's so cool you won! It's a cute little house!

  2. VERY cool that you won! Glad to hear your family had a wonderful Christmas! :)
