Wednesday, September 29, 2010

We can check that one off the list!

So we had our homestudy last night, and all went great! Our case worker was very nice, and made us feel at ease. Aaron and I did, however, spend a lot of time cleaning up the back yard, organizing closets and such to prepare for it, and she didn't even look in the closets or the backyard....figures. But that needed to be done anyway (although the girls will destroy their closets again within a matter of days.)She very briefly interviewed our girls alone first and all went great with them, then it was mine and Aaron's turn. It felt like she was writing our autobiography with all the questions we were asked about our past and present life, but it wasn't unpleasant at all. There are just a few odds and ends to tie up with the homestudy and we will be done. It will then take about a month for them to process all our information before we "officially" pass! In the meantime we will be putting our dossier together. When the sweet woman left she assured us that we had nothing to worry about...whew!! What a load off! We were so full of joy when she left! I think I did a toe touch in the kitchen followed by a little booty shaking....I couldn't contain myself :) Aaron just sat back laughing at me and enjoying the entertainment.
When I was writing out the check for the fee we owed, normally with a check that big, my face would be hot, and I would be sweating, but not this time! I felt such a peace and just plum giddy to do it! Whoo hoo! It just feels so much more official now! Thank you so much for your prayers if you had been praying for us!


  1. Sounds like it went well! I'll be dancing too when we get to that point in the process! :)

  2. Congrats on the homestudy, I still remember those the start of a beautiful journey to your child..I have a best friend who was getting ready for her homestudy, and cleaned her house spotless, stairs and all..she goes up stairs with the social worker, and she cleaned a little too well, the stairs were so slippery, as she and the social worker walked down, my friend slipped and fell all the way down the stairs..she looks up and says I hope this means I still so excited about your journey...
